Thursday, October 17

Hello There

Hello old friends. It's been awhile. A long while. And, I've missed writing more than I can say.
Life has been a lot of tumbling and sprawling in several different directions with what I thought was a clear path to a clear finish line, but I had the rug ripped out from under my feet a couple weeks ago and suddenly the path seems hollow and undesirable.
For a short spurt I was teaching at a somewhat local school (as local as one can get in barefootcountry) in their massage program. I thought all was well and I was doing well, but, alas, I was mistaken and ultimately wrote a resignation letter and that was that.
Only, in the meantime I was working on a B.S. in Fitness and Wellness to go along with my spiffy new job. Suddenly, with the job looking less spiffy the degree became less appealing. I love what I do as a massage therapist and any extra training I get to make me better from seminars but don't feel the need to have a degree that somehow validates that I'm good at it.
And, as always, I'm forced to rehash my thoughts of who I am and what I want in life and cannot deny reading and writing. I just don't understand why I refuse to embrace it.
Anyhow, I'm planning on making another attempt at NaNoWriMo and then see where life takes me after that.
I do want to get back into blogging, yet I'm plagued with not knowing if I should just dust off this old blog or start anew...thoughts?

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